
The Secondhand Fashion Magazine
Mildew is a annual treasure trove of secondhand fashion stories. From thrift stores to vintage shops, creatives reusing old clothes to fashion spreads using secondhand clothes, it’s all here. Every page is a colorful extravaganza of secondhand delights! Don’t miss this one.
Issue 3
Fall 2024
Market Research: Chor Bazaar
Spin-Offs: When a production wraps on a TV set, PropUp Project casts its leftover stuff in new roles
Has-Bins: A trip to the Goodwill bins
Baggage: Ever wondered where lost luggage ends up?
Sibylle: The anti-capitalist fashion magazine
Much More!
Issue 2
Fall 2023
Gap Years: One man’s quest to preserve Gap in-store playlists
Heels on Wheels: Changing ableist attitudes one outfit at a time
The Familiar Other: POViS constructs and performs identity
How Bazaar: A Japanese soap opera shapes the Iranian secondhand trade
A Current Affair: Treasure hunting at a vintage show with atmosphere
Maps of Displacement: Cassandra Mayela weaves together migrants in exile