Of no Party or Clique
10x annually
Of No Party or Clique
The Atlantic has been published for a while. OK, a long while - since 1857, actually. The print magazine is just what you want, but haven’t been finding, in today’s buzz buzz of social media: depth, truth, excellent journalism, and a diversity of perspectives. In these pages you will find some of the best journalists working today. But the true joy of The Atlantic is that it makes you consider, no matter the subject matter. Even if you follow them online, give the print publication a try: just the right length, beautifully designed, always thoughtful and tactile. If you are a print person, you should be reading this.
April 2025
The Murdoch Wars: Lachlan, James, and the battle for Rupert’s empire, by McKay Coppins
The Girls of Summer; Turtleboy Will Not be Stopped