Errant Journal

Errant Journal
Wandering, but not Lost
The Netherlands
In English
Errant is a journal that examines cultural and critical issues, from an -alt-academic - thus the ‘errant’ of the title - viewpoint. Each issue looks at one issue or topic, critiquing and dissecting the accepted view, and presenting an alternate, even opposing perspective. Based out of the Netherlands, with contributors from around the world, this journal is for those who enjoy critical thinking and wish to step outside the academic box.
Issue 7
Embodying Resistance
Guest Edited by Ghiwa Sayegh
More Hammer than Nail: An Appeal by Ada M Patterson
The Resistance We do not Know, by Lama Abou Kharroub
How Settler Colonial States Colonize the Future, by Mridula Sharma
Performing Colonial Toxicity, by Samia Henni
Issue 6
‘Free Palestine from German Guilt’?: Responsibilization, Citizenship, and Social Death, by Sultan Doughan
We Being Amongst Them as in a Foreign Country: The Making of Modern Debt, by Ian Beattie
Slicing the Cake: On Lebanon’s Economy of Exhaustion, by Ibrahim Kombarji
Indebtedness as a Strategy in Subverting the UK Border Regime, by Kristina Millona
Much More!