Pleasant Place

Pleasant Place
A Growing Collection of Publications about the Art of Gardening
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Pleasant Place is a lovely little publication on the art and pleasure of gardening. Each issue quickly and elegantly covers the history, art and creativity of a particular topic, along with visits to gardens, a bit of information or how-to as well. Beautifully designed and written, with small rings on the binding for keeping them organized, this will be a handy and inspirational additional to your gardening literature.
Issue 6: Topiary
Magnum Opus Topiarium: Changing views of nature
Le Bal Des Ifs: A true story
Topiary in Art History
It May Have Been a Formal Garden, Once: On Levens Hall
What’s Eating Hedges
The Shape of Shrubs to Come
Issue 5: Mien Ruys
Mein Ruys: An Introduction Designing the Dutch Garden
This is a Border: A selection of Mien’s favorite perennials
A Garden Like Mine Made Her Completely Nervous: Pien on Mien
Klein Stadstuintje: Five City Gardens
Dear Mien