Summit Journal

Summit Journal
Summit is a reboot of a classic climbing magazine from the 50s. It’s oversized pages are filled with longform writing on the places, people and culture of climbing today, along with a bit of reflection on the past. With classic adventure writing, beautiful artwork and a great design, it is a keeper. Come take a look!
Issue 322
Spring 2025
Shoot How it Feels: Kings Canyon Bouldering
The Late Poems of David Roberts
Sky Pilots: Alaska by Air
Game of Fear: Dispatches from the cutting edge of aid climbing and a glimpse into the future of a dying art
Issue 321
Fall 2024
The Middle Finger Master: Alain Robert
Michaela’s Moment: Michaela Kiersch
Into the Light: A Smith Rock Portfolio, Photography and Captions by Tara Kerzhner
Behind the Curtain: Climbing Gear Revolution, by Corey Buhay