Icarus Complex

Icarus Complex

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$20.50

An in-Depth Look at the Issues Surrounding Climate Change




In English

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Icarus Complex, based out of Europe, looks at the worldwide climate crisis through thoughtful, journalistic interviews and essays. Topics addressed include finance, agriculture, capitalism, technology, energy and society. Deeply interesting and action oriented, this publication avoids any apocalyptic statements or headlines, instead seeking realistic and serious solutions to the world’s most serious problem. In a comfortable, journal-sized format, with quality recycled paper and lovely photography to accompany the words, this is the right publication for any serious, thoughtful climate activist, as well as someone interested in exploring the current issues around climate change today.

Issue 5: Fall 2023


In Conversation With Ken Pucker: Purpose is essential for business (but you can’t count on it)

On Thin Ice: Green energy threatens Saami way of life

Culture and Communtiy: The core of climate justice in Pakistan

Natural Gas Lives to Fight Another Day


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